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A Modern Approach to Healthcare

Have proudly served over 5000+ patients

Active in the community and serving patients in Boynton Beach & Delray Beach, FL area for over 18 years!



Have you struggled with chronic pain, tension, or injuries?

These days, it’s nearly impossible not to experience tension or stress!

Allow our therapist to offer you total relief through massage. Full body massages are customized to your specific needs from gentle and relaxing to medium pressure or deep tissue. Massage helps in treating muscle tension, pain, stiffness, and range of motion all while improving blood flow, and lymphatic draining while reducing inflammation.

 At Reclaim Wellness, we offer more than the traditional massage, but a deeply holistic and personalized experience, addressing your unique concerns be they emotional, physical, or somewhere in between. There are many forms of massage that we offer, all with unique benefits to the body, below you'll find each modality further explained.

  • Let’s Go Deep!

    This form of massage helps relieve the tension that has long been held within the deep layers of the soft tissues in the body, in the muscle groups and fascia. Deep Tissue addresses these points of tension through firm pressure, giving clients relief from major tension through pressure.

  • Say Goodbye to Feeling Puffy!

    This type of specialized massage gently assists the lymphatic system in maintaining the body’s own natural fluid balance, circulation, and immune mechanisms. Done by a professional who, through light rhythmic movements, manipulates certain areas of the body, allowing lymph to move easily throughout the tissue and lymph nodes. This optimizes detoxification and proper fluid clearance, leaving you more sleek and 'de-puffed'. Lymphatic drainage follows a specific sequence over the body, to ensure stagnant lymph is not trapped anywhere and all areas are addressed with care.

    How to know if Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) is right for you:

    Everyone can benefit from Manual Lymphatic Drainage! This unique therapy is for anyone experiencing swelling within the lymphatic system due to illness, medications, lifestyle, and environment or who wants to optimize their overall wellness and immune functions. Lymphatic Drainage Massage is also known to alleviate swelling and bloating leaving individuals looking and feeling their best.

  • Massage That Gets Your Head (and Spine) Right

    CranioSacral Therapy (CST) is an extremely gentle, hands-on method of enhancing the functions of the physiological body system called the craniosacral system. It’s the system that is composed of the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord. Using the softest of touch (about the weight of a nickel) practitioners unblock restrictions and allow for increased flow in the craniosacral system. The benefits of CST are balancing the central nervous system, as well as many other systems of the body, including the digestive, musculoskeletal, respiratory, circulatory, and more.

    Cranial Sacral Therapy Helps Ease Pain

    Conditions treated by cranial sacral therapy include migraines, TMJ, ear congestion, sinus issues and chronic pain. In addition, research has shown CST to help with the physical components related to such somatic conditions as Post Traumatic Stress, depression, and anxiety.